"A Little Nonsense Now and Then, is Relished by the Wisest Men."- Wonka/Gene Wilder
Oddity Musician and (Mainly) Retro Gamer!- YouTube | Twitch | Mixer

Age 32, Male

Artist of many kinds



Joined on 4/13/08

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NerdRoll's News

Posted by NerdRoll - November 30th, 2015

New song out plus collaberation with Mastergamez!  game called Follow i made music and sound effects for! 

Follow: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/666784

also short comic on the way, gonna  be a little bit, but i hope you all enjoy it when its ready! :3

Posted by NerdRoll - November 3rd, 2015

well, ive been busy indeed, with this coming month HOPEFULLY being the last month of saving for what i am trying to do be done n stuph lol.  but anywho, i made a UBER short test video of a segmant i may decide to continue with if it gets good response.  you can find it here:

(Lagamag With Dr. Ew):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvLRbyUAwZI


IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!  Pixel day is coming up and I have entered!  so if they allow us to vote, I ask you to PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!! :D  here is my entry!!!:  http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/652403?updated=1


Also lotsa new stuph on the way, i am now working with Mastergamez: http://mastergamez.newgrounds.com/

which i am working on somthing with them but will not tell you becouse SPOILER ALERT! X3 

I am also working with John:  http://johnopotamus.newgrounds.com/

he and i dont really have anything under way yet, but maaaaybe something music related soon will be under way?  hard to say, as we are both very busy peeps :/ 

also had JabuJard:  http://johnopotamus.newgrounds.com/

help me out with somthing that i dont wish to release much info on with you all as its a surprise! :3  (still in the works... actually... :,(  )

but yes, i have lotsa stuph on the way... and i guess have infact for some time... i appologize for the delay, to all the people who ACTUALLY look to see if i have anything new up!  and to you and all future fans, I THANK YOU FOR YOU PACIENTS AND SUPPORT!!! :D



Posted by NerdRoll - August 29th, 2015

3 long days and a very generous gift later, I finally have a new logo and theme to go with my new title!!!  and a video is done!  more projects on the way!  in the mean time, please, enjoy! :D


Super Parker Episode 1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sv0a1ie7p4

Posted by NerdRoll - July 24th, 2015

welp!  I had some song ideas for a lil demo album I had wished to create, but my amp is now brokie and I have no cash for a new one... also i'd REALLY like a new acoustic for the recordings :/  anywaaaaay, some projects are in the works, such as some team work with (name not told due to not sure if they would appreciate the exposure yet or not XD, also not even sure its REALLY gonna happen or not, it is uncertain) on a animated music video.  also will most likely be working with a friend to help them make a cooking channel, will be doing the music and editing and most likely a lot of the filming for said  chennel on youtube, but thats no sweat. anyways, to all my fans, and future fans, there will be more, MUCH more things to come in the future..... also did i mention im working on a videogame and animated series that that are crafted with the same universe?!?  no?  well i just did XD.  good day to you all!

Posted by NerdRoll - April 11th, 2015

New video on youtube thankz to Randy Warner and his channel: AngelusArsinal.  please check out his channel as well!  a link will be at the bottom of this post!


also, 2 new tracks! 

Epicness of the Slow-Mo Variety:  http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/618240

Bot-o-Matic: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/618618

AngelusArsinal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZrmRbep-k5xZxIYWhqFNdA

Journey to the Dollah Store: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iH4-1CxO0iY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Posted by NerdRoll - February 23rd, 2015

Well, I Finally finished some stuff!!!  ive uploaded some videos to youtube (sure they are just music video like things to promote my music more, but still...)  and uploaded a new track!  please check it out all! and dont forget to rate and fav me!  Thankz! :3


Listen: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/609795

Posted by NerdRoll - January 30th, 2015

uploaded an old recording for in the mean time so i can get opinians on wither or not to re-record it.  ive got 2 songs im still tweaking before i send em' out to you all, it may take some time.  wait... hello?  *echo sounds*  oh thats right... i only have like 4 fans... 0.o  oh well, HELLO! HELLo! HELlo! HEllo! Hello! hello! ello! llo! lo! o... ... ...  TEE H33!

Posted by NerdRoll - November 16th, 2014

Well... like ususal.  not much time to work on projects but I have 4 in the works!  An animation, A short video, and 2 new songs!  keep an eye out!  :D

Posted by NerdRoll - September 4th, 2014

WELL, PLAIN AND SIMPLE, IVE BEEN F***ED OVER BY THESMILEX!! he has blocked me, and declined working with me even after ive worked so hard on the projects we had planned.  I EVEN WORKED OVER MY VACATION DAYS TO GET THIS S*** DONE!!!  but not all is lost.  I will be working on a new project all my own, and hope to release it soon.  It will be my first video here on newgrounds. and my second on youtube.  I hope you all enjoy it, and i hope TheSmilex is happy... 

Posted by NerdRoll - August 25th, 2014

YES!  For once im (helping to) submit content other than music!  I am working with TheSmilax to help create a animation.  im working on the music, and may be voice acting. so far I have submitted a part of the music for the project called Game Click Pick.  and am currently working on the rest of the music and will be recording some voice acting soon.  please help me and TheSmilax by rating the music and voice acting as i upload it to make the best quality of it!  thank you!  OH AND Im (most likely) changeing the name of the studio from Intoneify Stuido to Intoneify Project...  but im not sure yet :/