My appologyz everyone for recently... for some time... for a really long LONG time. I have not posted aything. (other than the halloween song which I attempted to make a little extra time for cuz I felt it was important!) ive been very busy trying to make some extra cash with a project im working on for someone named Actionmanjab. you should check his suff out when u get the chance! A link will be in this post at the end. anyway, I FINALLY will be done with it soon, so i will be posting more asap! i actually have 2 songs currently ive been dabbleing with, and as for the animation i mentioned... well, I feel my drawing skills are in need of fine tuneing before I start work on it again, im not happy with the quality atm. anywho, please dont think im dead peeps! im here, just UBER busy :,( Good day to you all!