
168 Movie Reviews

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The animation work was very nice, though i feel the lighting on the ligher side of pete should have been a touch darker. it was funny and a little disturbing in a way. but as a short test clip i liked it a lot. keep up the good work! and TREASURE PLANET WAS AN AWESOME DISNEY FILM!!!!! lolz

im sorry to blam this. but it isnt quite ready to be submitted in my opinian. the idea is great, to encourage women with less or no hair that they are beautiful. its true that even without hair a woman can be beautiful. but my point to blamming this is only to encourage you to work more at your animation style and such. it seemed that you used multipule layers. this is a good idea, but they must all work together. your womans face moved seperately with her head, her head moved seperately from her hair, and her body moved away from her arm. you just need practice animating and getting used to your program. i have faith that you could learn this. it will take lots of patients and practice though. also a side note, you should practice a little more movement with the woman than just side to side. maybe practice making her hips move a bit, as she was attempting to dance a little sexy and spicy from what i was gathering. but that is up to u. good luck. and hope i helped and did not turn you away from animating... animating is a very hard hobby and talent to learn.

AFROPiK responds:

These are the comments I was hoping for! I am so new at animating I wasn't quite sure where to start or what exactly to expect. I am glad that you enjoyed the theme. Perhaps this week I will work on a cleaner version of this video and watch more tutorials on how to use the software effectively. I will definitely incorporate more movements next time. Thank you for taking the time to give me some tips!

over all, it was funny and entertaining to watch. only thing i did not like was that the story (in my opinion) could have used a little more to help it along. also the re-occurring joke "what do you see, never mind..." was a little stale... also, i think a few more silly sound effects thrown in there would have helped the comedy along a lil more (judging from the style). like when jim asks lily "do you know what i see?" he looks like he pokes her. it would be funny if he actually poked her in the eye, and a silly loony toons like poke sound was made there, and she rubs her eye angrily toward him. (just a little joke, and perhaps a little stale, but the sound effect is what i was getting at.) keep up the awesome sauce work though!

Johnopotamus responds:

Thank you very much for the feedback!
I do agree that I could have used more sound effects and added more movement in the animation itself. I'm currently working on a bigger project right now so this was mostly just filler.
As for the story! It was written by my 9 year old sister and I didn't want to add a bunch of things. She was really happy with what she wrote for me :)

as this is just a test, i blammed it, but PLEASE DONT THINK I DID NOT LIKE IT! in fact, i think its an awesome idea!! im a musician, though i have not had the time to write the kind of music i like to. (metal, rock, classic metal, epic metal blah blah blah. lol) but if you need music, as long as I (Drew Ruiz) and my studio (Intoneify Studio) gets credit. i am more than willing to write some music for this!!! i could even voice act for it! i can send us some samples of my voice and some (other) music than what ive got uploaded. i feel a heavy metal rift would work nicely when he finds the crack on the brand new disk. then at the end some silly piano or classical music would work nicely. i also suggest if you did not already know this, that you work on each scene individually and work on the timing of each scene, it seems a little bunched together, but im not judgeing it too badly, as its just a test. but like i said, IM SUPER INTO THE IDEA, the art is great-ish (for a test) and the story is funny and true. id like to help!

TheSmilax responds:

OK, but please upoad a demo of your voice!! I have listen to your music and i like the Mary Daze and 4 bits!!! My Skype is themegasmilax,.
Do you understnad spanish?? Your opinion of metal on the cd part and clasical piano it s so good.

GREAT art and animation, stylized perfectly as a (fake) movie trailer, and pretty funny as well, did not make me (laugh out loud) but it was entertaining none the less. AWESOME JOB!!!

like usual, your animation style, art, voice acting, and music is awesomeness!!! but i saw a few short cuts in there, unless they were just on purpose for some kind of style technique. but love it non the less!! :D also, the aliens were totally inspired by Zim! EVEN MORE AWESOMNESS! LOL

I love this kind of art and animation!!!

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